Natural Resources and Environment | School of

The School of Natural Resources and Environment provides interdisciplinary environmental degree programs and develops leaders with integrated thinking about natural and social systems. The school's undergraduate curriculum spans the range of human knowledge needed to solve complex environmental problems not amenable to narrowly based solutions.


103 Black Hall
P.O. Box 116455
University of Florida
Gainesville, FL 32611-6455

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Academic Advising
103 Black Hall




Bachelor of Science in environmental science with specializations in environmental science and natural resource management, and a Bachelor of Arts in environmental science with specializations in environmental education, environmental policy and environmental policy and business.

Internships and Career Guidance

The dean’s office maintains a list of potential sources of internships. The school grants course credit for internships (S/U grades, 1-3 credits, one per semester up to a maximum of three semesters) to enable maintenance of student status.


The school operates horizontally across UF’s structure of academic disciplines, offering more than 200 courses taught in 50 departments. Faculty members from these departments are affiliated with the school.


General financial aid information is available from the Office of Student Financial Affairs. Students are eligible for scholarships awarded by the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences.
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Admission Requirements

Admission requirements for freshmen and students other than first-semester freshmen are found in the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences' Academic Policies.

School Requirements and Regulations

Students admitted to the school have full responsibility for registering for appropriate courses and fulfilling school and university requirements. During their first term in the school, students must obtain academic advising and a plan of study worksheet from 103 Black Hall.

Students should review the relevant information in this catalog each term to track and plan the progress of their academic work. Failure to understand and follow these guidelines could cause unnecessary hardship, delay and expense.


Refer to the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences' Academic Policies.

Graduation requires satisfactory completion of 120 credits for the BS or BA degree and a cumulative 2.00 GPA in both the upper-division and the overall UF GPA.

Graduating with Honors



Combination Degrees

Eligible seniors in the School of Natural Resources and Environment can also participate in a combination degree that combines a BA/BS in environmental science with a Master of Science in interdisciplinary ecology.
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