Surveying and Mapping

The Geomatics profession collects, manages, and analyzes geospatial data through ground surveying, photogrammetry, remote sensing, satellite positioning, inertial measurements, echo-sounding, and laser scanning. Geomatics students study geometry, statistics, boundary law, and surveying and mapping instrument usage.

About this Program

To graduate with this major, students must complete all university, college, and major requirements.

School Information

The School of Forest, Fisheries, and Geomatics Sciences is a unit within the Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (IFAS) and the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences (CALS). The school is home to three distinct yet integrated program areas: Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, Forest Resources and Conservation, and Geomatics. The school’s faculty, staff, and students conduct research, teaching, and extension that cuts across a wide range of environments and disciplines.


Email | 352.846.0850 (tel) | 352.392.1707 (fax)

P.O. Box 110410
1745 McCarty Drive


Geomatics students learn how land, infrastructure, and natural resources are measured, analyzed, and integrated into useable forms and systems. Students gain hands-on experience working with field equipment and in high-tech classrooms. Present land values, rates of urban development, and environmental concerns require a broad set of expertise to develop, manage, and apply geospatial information. Students majoring in Geomatics complete either the Surveying and Mapping specialization or the Geospatial Analysis specialization.

Both specializations within the Geomatics major are offered at the Fort Lauderdale Research and Education Center in Ft. Lauderdale, FL, and the Gulf Coast Research and Education Center in Plant City, FL (near Tampa).

Surveying and Mapping

The Surveying and Mapping specialization prepares students for entry into the Surveying and Mapping profession.

Critical Tracking records each student’s progress in courses that are required for progress toward each major. Please note the critical-tracking requirements below on a per-semester basis.

Equivalent critical-tracking courses as determined by the State of Florida Common Course Prerequisites may be used for transfer students.

Check the Model Semester Plan for a list of approved courses and substitutions.

Semester 1

Semester 2

  • Complete at least 2 additional critical-tracking courses, excluding labs
  • 2.5 GPA required for all critical-tracking courses
  • 2.0 UF GPA required

Semester 3

  • Complete at least 2 additional critical-tracking courses, excluding labs
  • 2.5 GPA required for all critical-tracking courses
  • 2.0 UF GPA required

Semester 4

  • Complete at least 2 additional critical-tracking courses, excluding labs
  • 2.5 GPA required for all critical-tracking courses
  • 2.0 UF GPA required

Semester 5

  • Complete all critical-tracking courses including labs
  • 2.5 GPA required for all critical-tracking courses
  • 2.0 UF GPA required

Semester 6

Semester 7

Semester 8

To remain on track, students must complete the appropriate critical-tracking courses, which appear in bold. These courses must be completed by the terms as listed above in the Critical Tracking criteria.

This semester plan represents an example progression through the major. Actual courses and course order may be different depending on the student's academic record and scheduling availability of courses. Prerequisites still apply.

Plan of Study Grid
Semester OneCredits
Quest 1 (Gen Ed Humanities) 3
Select one: 3-4
Economic Issues, Food and You (Critical Tracking; Gen Ed Social and Behavioral Sciences)
Principles of Macroeconomics (Critical Tracking; Gen Ed Social and Behavioral Sciences)
Principles of Microeconomics (Critical Tracking; Gen Ed Social and Behavioral Sciences)
State Core Gen Ed Composition; Writing Requirement 3
Gen Ed Biological or Physical Sciences 1 3-4
Elective 2 3-4
Semester Two
Select one: 3
Computer Programming Using JAVA (Critical Tracking)
Computer Programming for Engineers
and Computer Programming for Engineers Laboratory (Critical Tracking)
Computer Programming Using C (Critical Tracking)
Approved computer programming course (Critical Tracking)
MAC 2311 Analytic Geometry and Calculus 1 (Critical Tracking; State Core Gen Ed Mathematics) 3 4
State Core Gen Ed Humanities 3
State Core Gen Ed Social and Behavioral Sciences 3
Elective 2
Semester Three
PHY 2053
Physics 1
and Laboratory for Physics 1 (Critical Tracking; State Core Gen Ed Biological Sciences and Physical Sciences) 3
STA 2023 Introduction to Statistics 1 (Critical Tracking; Gen Ed Mathematics) 3
Gen Ed Composition; Writing Requirement 3
Elective 4 3-4
Semester Four
Quest 2 (Gen Ed Social and Behavioral Sciences AND Diversity or International) 3
Select one: 3
Effective Oral Communication (Critical Tracking)
Introduction to Public Speaking (Critical Tracking)
PHY 2054
Physics 2
and Laboratory for Physics 2 (Critical Tracking; Gen Ed Physical Sciences) 3
Gen Ed Diversity or International (requirement not fulfilled by the Quest 2 course) 3
Elective 2
Semester Five
Select one: 3
Research and Business Writing in Agricultural and Life Sciences (Writing Requirement)
Technical Writing (Writing Requirement)
Professional Communication for Engineers
Professional Writing in the Discipline (Writing Requirement)
SUR 3103C Geomatics 5 3
SUR 3323 Visualization of Spatial Information 5 3
GIS 3072C Geographic Information Systems 5 3
SUR 3641 Survey Computations 5 3
Semester Six
AEB 3133
Principles of Agribusiness Management (Critical Tracking)
or Principles of Management
AEB 4123
Agricultural and Natural Resource Law (Critical Tracking)
or The Legal Environment of Business
SUR 3331C Photogrammetry (Critical Tracking) 5 3
SUR 4501C Foundations of UAS Mapping (Critical Tracking) 5 3
SUR 3520 Measurement Science (Critical Tracking) 5 3
Summer After Semester Six
SUR 4949 Co-op Work Experience (Critical Tracking) 6 2
Semester Seven
Select one: 2-3
Dendrology/Forest Plants (Critical Tracking)
Florida’s Forest Communities (Critical Tracking)
SUR 4201 Route Geometrics and Design 5 3
Florida’s Forest Communities (Critical Tracking)
SUR 4350C Advanced Photogrammetry (Critical Tracking) 5 3
SUR 4403 Cadastral Principles 5 3
SUR 4530 Geodesy and Geodetic Positioning (Critical Tracking) 5 3
SUR 4911 Supervised Research in Geomatics (Critical Tracking) 1
Semester Eight
SUR 4380 Remote Sensing (Critical Tracking) 5 3
SUR 4430 Surveying and Mapping Practice 5 3
SUR 4463 Subdivision Design 5 3
SUR 4912 Senior Project (Critical Tracking) 5 1
Natural resources elective; Critical Tracking 3
 Total Credits120

FOR 3004 or SWS 3022 and SWS 3022L recommended.


GEO 2200 or GLY 2010C recommended.


May be used as substitutes:


GEO 2200 or GLY 2010C recommended, if not already taken.


Minimum grade of C required. 


Must take two sections of SUR 4949 concurrently.

Placement tests or prerequisites may be required to access certain courses.

Non-specified General Education courses may be selected from any approved course in the subject area. Selection of courses must consider satisfaction of the Writing Requirement and International and Diversity requirements.

Natural Resources Electives
Select one:3
Environmental Hydrology: Principles and Issues
Forest Water Resources
Natural Resource Policy and Economics
Principles of Geographic Hydrology
Marine Geomatics
Analysis Electives
Select at least one:3-4
Natural Resource Sampling
Introduction to Quantitative Analysis for Geographers
Statistics for Business Decisions
Introduction to Statistics 2
Engineering Statistics
Geospatial Application Electives
Select at least one:1-4
Precision Agriculture
Environmental Planning and Design
Geovisualization and Map Design
GIS Models for Public Health
Digital Image Processing
Introduction to Spatial Networks
SUR 4940CPracticum in UAS Mapping 13
SUR 4376Geospatial Applications of UASs 13
Geomatics Electives
Select at most one:3
Route Geometrics and Design 1
Cadastral Principles 1
Surveying and Mapping Practice 1
Subdivision Design 1
Topics in Geomatics 1

 Minimum grade of C required

Geomatics addresses land information development and management through field survey, photogrammetry, remote sensing, satellite positions, and other techniques. The program is nationally accredited and graduates often obtain licensure as professional surveyors and mappers.

A nationally accredited ABET program.

Before Graduating Students Must

  • Pass the geomatics competency exam, given in five parts. One part will be given in each of these required courses:
    SUR 3103CGeomatics3
    SUR 3520Measurement Science3
    SUR 4430Surveying and Mapping Practice3
    SUR 4463Subdivision Design3
    SUR 4912Senior Project1
    Total Credits13
  • Complete requirements for the baccalaureate degree, as determined by faculty.

Students in the Major Will Learn to

Student Learning Outcomes | SLOs


  1. Knowledge and competency in geometry, statistics, boundary law, surveying, and mapping instrument usage and statutes and ordinances pertaining to professional practice.

Critical Thinking

  1. Define problems, formulate solutions, assess legal evidence, interpret statistical results, design a system or process, and understand professional and ethical issues.


  1. Create, interpret and analyze written text, oral messages, and multimedia presentations.

Curriculum Map

I = Introduced; R = Reinforced; A = Assessed

Courses SLO 1 SLO 2 SLO 3
SUR 3103C I, R, A I, R, A I, R, A
SUR 3520 I, R, A I, R, A
SUR 4430 I, R, A R, A R, A
SUR 4463 R, A R, A R, A
SUR 4912 R, A R, A

Assessment Types

  • Labs
  • Projects
  • Papers
  • Exams
  • Presentations