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  • Heavener School of Business

    Home Academic Policies Majors & ALCs Minors Certificates Contact

    For general UF policies regarding graduation, residence, summer enrollment, academic catalog year and other requirements refer to Degree and Graduation Policies.

    All Heavener School of Business students must complete the following requirements, including the 120 credits required for graduation as calculated by the school. All required courses, excluding free elective courses, must be taken for a letter grade (not S-U). Business majors are strongly encouraged to use their elective requirement to build skills, obtain a minor or certificate and/or develop proficiency in a foreign language.

    General Education Requirement: Composition (3 credits); mathematical sciences (6 credits); humanities (9 credits); social and behavioral sciences (9 credits); physical or biological sciences (6 credits biological science and 3 credits physical science or vice versa for a total of 9 credits); 3 credits international (N); and 3 credits diversity (D). A minimum grade of C is required for all courses fulfilling the general education requirement and the writing requirement.

    Critical-Tracking Requirement: To prepare for upper-division business courses, all business majors are required to complete a specified number of critical-tracking courses each semester during the first four fall/spring semesters, meet the required critical-tracking GPA for each term and maintain a 2.0 UF GPA (see table below). Finance majors must earn a minimum grade of C in ACG 2021C and ACG 2071.

    Heavener School of Business Critical-Tracking Requirements

    Semester Number Critical
    Tracking Courses
    Tracking GPA
    UF GPA
    1 2 2.5 2.0
    2 2 2.75 2.0
    3 2 (including ACG 2021) 3.0 2.0
    4 1 3.0 2.0

    Certain business degree programs require an eighth critical-tracking course in the fifth fall/spring term (or first fall/spring term for upper-division transfer students). Students must earn the required grade in the eighth tracking course to continue in the corresponding major (see table below). The grade earned in this course does not factor into the critical-tracking GPA.

    Additional Critical-Tracking Requirements

    Major Eighth Tracking Course Minimum Grade
    General Business (Online) NA NA
    General Studies NA NA
    Finance FIN 3403 Business Finance
    Information Systems NA NA
    Management MAN 3025 Principles of Management C
    Marketing MAR 3023 Principles of Marketing C
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    Core Business Requirement: All business majors are required to take the following seven core courses, which cover the major functional areas of business: BUL 4310 The Legal Environment of Business, FIN 3403 Business Finance, GEB 3373 International Business, MAN 3025 Principles of Management, MAN 4504 Operations and Supply Chain Management, MAR 3023 Principles of Marketing, and QMB 3250 Introduction to Business Statistics.

    Major (BSBA) or Area of Specialization (BABA) Requirement: BSBA students take 12-20 credits of specific major courses. BABA-GBA students take 12 credits of 3000/4000-level area of specialization courses.

    Restricted Elective Requirement: All business majors must take 11-12 credits of restricted electives. One electronic platform course (ENT 3003, GEB 3035, ISM 3004 or REE 3043) can be taken to fulfill the restricted elective requirement. Internship, independent study or assistantship credit will not count toward this requirement.

    BABA-GBA students take 11-12 credits of restricted business electives from an approved list (students pursuing the international studies area of specialization are exempt from this requirement; instead, they must complete a foreign language minor). BSBA students take 11-12 credits of any 3000/4000-level courses or 1000/4000-level foreign language courses.

    GPA and Graduation Requirements

    A minimum overall UF GPA of 2.0 is required in coursework attempted at the university. Business majors must earn a 3.0 critical-tracking GPA; a 2.0 core GPA or minimum grades of C in all seven business core courses; and a 2.0 major or area of specialization GPA or minimum grades of C in all major or area of specialization courses.

    Business majors must earn a minimum of 120 credits. Heavener School undergraduates who have completed all requirements for degree will be required to graduate. To receive a diploma and participate in commencement, students must complete the UF graduation checklist, which includes the submission of an online degree application by the established deadline.

    Honors Requirements

    Heavener School of Business honors designations are based on three grade point averages: business core GPA, major or area of specialization GPA and UF GPA. To graduate with honors, students must meet the following minimum standards at the time of graduation: cum laude (3.5 GPA), magna cum laude (3.7 GPA) and summa cum laude (3.9 GPA). Students who are pursuing a magna or summa cum laude designation are also required to complete an honors thesis. Each business major has its own specific thesis guidelines. Students who participate in the University Scholars Program can use their required research paper as an honors thesis.

    Internship Requirement

    Heavener School majors are required to enroll in GEB 4941 Internship in Business Administration (one credit) and complete an internship of at least 150 hours before the start of the senior year. The internship requirement can be waived for students who participate in a study abroad experience of at least six weeks. Students who waive this requirement via study abroad are strongly encouraged to complete at least one internship to improve their chances of obtaining full-time employment and/or admission to graduate programs or law school. Consult a school academic advisor/career coach for more information.

    Professional Communication Requirement

    Heavener School majors are required to take GEB 3213 Professional Writing in Business, GEB 3218 Professional Speaking in Business, SPC 2608 Introduction to Public Speaking, ENC 3312 Advanced Argumentative Writing or a similar course with prior approval. A minimum grade of C is required.

    Residence Requirements

    Students are not allowed to enroll simultaneously at UF and another institution. All business core, major, area of specialization and restricted elective courses must be taken in residence at the University of Florida or as part of an approved study abroad program. The last 30 credits of the degree program must be completed in residence at the University of Florida; however, this requirement will be waived for preapproved study abroad coursework. Otherwise, the residence requirement will be waived only in special cases and must be approved in advance by the school's petitions committee.

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