Artificial Intelligence Fundamentals and Applications - Open to all Majors


The AI Fundamentals and Applications Certificate is intended for undergraduates of all majors (both technical and non-technical) to understand fundamentals of artificial intelligence, its applications to real world problems in various disciplines, and ethical and professional responsibilities of these technologies. The certificate consists of a required fundamentals course, a college specific application course and an ethics course. Students use high level AI tools and apply them to problems in their disciplines


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P. O. Box 113175
University of Florida
Gainesville, FL 32611

324 Tigert Hall | Map

About this Program

Certificates must comply with the Certificate Policy.

Enroll in UF’s artificial intelligence certificate program where all undergraduate students, regardless of major, can learn how to apply artificial intelligence in their discipline. No background in computer programming, engineering, or data science is needed. Pursuing courses in AI can put students ahead of the curve when applying for internships or jobs. Students can obtain the skills needed to join the AI-trained workforce of the future.

This university-wide certificate prepares students to understand the fundamentals of artificial intelligence, its applications to real-world problems in various disciplines, and ethical and professional responsibilities of these technologies. The certificate consists of two required courses, a fundamental course and an AI ethics course. After completing those, students take a third elective course in the application of ethics in their discipline. Students learn how to use AI and apply them to maximize efficiency or solve problems within their discipline.

To obtain this certificate, students must apply before they take the second course.
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To earn the certificate, students must apply to graduate with it.
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Junior level of any major, MAC 1147 or equivalent. Some elective courses require prerequisites which are fulfilled by the majors indicated.


EEL 3872Artificial Intelligence Fundamentals3
PHI 3681Ethics, Data, and Technology3
College-specific course (select one):3
Cognitive and Educational Science in AI
Biomedical Data Science
Fundamentals of Machine Learning
Interactive Modeling and Animation 1
Introduction to Data Analytics
Liberal Arts and Sciences
AI in Biology
Interactive Modeling and Animation 1
AI in Antiquity and Today
GeoAI – Geographic Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence in the Social Sciences
Data Feminisms
Agricultural and Life Sciences
AI in Agricultural and Life Sciences
Foundations of Business Analytics & Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Design, Construction, & Planning
AI in the Built Environment
Journalism and Communication
Artificial Intelligence in Media and Society
Public Health and Health Professions
Higher Thinking for Healthy Humans: AI in Healthcare and Public Health
Artificial Intelligence in Psychological and Brain Sciences
Total Credits9