Plant Science


Plant scientists sustain and improve our current and future world as they work in careers connected to foods, fibers, fuels, pharmaceuticals, ornamental plants, managed landscapes, and native ecosystems. Students study biology, genetics and biotechnology, ecology, plant physiology, pests and diseases, and sustainable agriculture. Plant Science students develop an interdisciplinary perspective on the science of plant production and its applications for managing plants in human and natural systems. 

About this Program

To graduate with this major, students must complete all university, college, and major requirements.

Related Programs 

The Plant Science degree provides students with an interdisciplinary perspective on the science of plant production and its applications for managing plants in human and natural systems. Students work with faculty advisors to craft a plan of study that helps them gain expertise in a wide array of potential topics, such as sustainable and organic crop production, plant breeding, and genetics, biotechnology, greenhouse and landscape industries, native plant conservation, plant health, and protection, soil management and productivity, and turfgrass.

This major is offered to both incoming freshmen as well as transfer students who have the appropriate credentials through the statewide programs at Gainesville’s main campus, the Fort Lauderdale Research and Education Center, the Mid-Florida Research and Education Center in Apopka, or the West Florida Research and Education Center in Milton.

Course Requirements

Courses for the major include introductory statistics, biology, chemistry, mathematics, economics, communications, humanities, Quest courses, and Civic Literacy. Students take a no-cost placement test upon entry into the junior year, and additional courses may be recommended or required based on exam results and individual advising. All students are required to take an introductory plant science course to explore the range of career options and opportunities offered by the major (PLS 3004C).  Upper-division requirements include courses in soil science, pests and diseases, natural ecosystems or agroecosystems, physiology, genetics, production and propagation, lab skills, and a capstone experience. All students must also complete a guided internship or high impact practice (HIP) related to their area of interest

Courses in the major provide students with the knowledge and fundamental concepts essential to the degree, and upper-division requirements and electives are designed to build knowledge, competency, and skills applicable to professional development. The lab skills, high impact practice, and capstone courses help students gain real-world experience in their chosen field.

Students should meet with both their academic advisor and a faculty mentor as early as possible in their academic programs, to explore their interests and receive guidance on appropriate courses to plan their course of study.

Critical Tracking records each student’s progress in courses that are required for progress toward each major. Please note the critical-tracking requirements below on a per-semester basis.

Equivalent critical-tracking courses as determined by the State of Florida Common Course Prerequisites may be used for transfer students.



  • Complete 1 additional critical-tracking course, excluding labs
  • 2.0 GPA required for all critical-tracking courses
  • 2.0 UF GPA required


  • Complete 2 additional critical-tracking courses, excluding labs
  • 2.0 GPA required for all critical-tracking courses
  • 2.0 UF GPA required


  • Complete all critical-tracking course, excluding labs
  • 2.0 GPA required for all critical-tracking courses
  • 2.0 UF GPA required


  • Complete all critical-tracking courses, including labs
  • Complete PLS 3004C
  • 2.0 GPA required for all critical-tracking courses
  • 2.0 upper-division GPA required
  • 2.0 UF GPA required



  • Complete PLS 3223 and PLS 3223L and approved elective in major
  • Complete HOS 4918
  • 2.0 upper-division GPA required
  • 2.0 UF GPA required


  • Complete Plant Science capstone
  • 2.0 upper-division GPA required
  • 2.0 UF GPA required

To remain on track, students must complete the appropriate critical-tracking courses, which appear in bold. These courses must be completed by the terms as listed above in the Critical Tracking criteria.

This semester plan represents an example progression through the major. Actual courses and course order may be different depending on the student's academic record and scheduling availability of courses. Prerequisites still apply.

Plan of Study Grid
Semester OneCredits
Select one: 3-4
Introductory Botany (Critical Tracking; State Core Gen Ed Biological Sciences and Physical Sciences)
Integrated Principles of Biology 1
and Integrated Principles of Biology Laboratory 1 (Critical Tracking; State Core Gen Ed Biological Sciences and Physical Sciences)
ENC 1101 Expository and Argumentative Writing (State Core Gen Ed Composition; Writing Requirement: 6,000 words) 3
MAC 1147 Precalculus Algebra and Trigonometry (Critical Tracking; State Core Gen Ed Mathematics) 4
State Core Gen Ed Humanities and Diversity 3
Semester Two
Quest 1 (Gen Ed Humanities) 3
Select one: 4
Plant Diversity (Critical Tracking; Gen Ed Biological Sciences)
Integrated Principles of Biology 2
and Integrated Principles of Biology Laboratory 2 (Critical Tracking; Gen Ed Biological Sciences)
ENC 2210 Technical Writing (Gen Ed Composition; Writing Requirement: 6,000 words) 3
Gen Ed Social and Behavioral Sciences and International 3
Semester Three
Quest 2 (Gen Ed Social and Behavioral Sciences and Diversity) 3
AEC 3030C
Effective Oral Communication
or Introduction to Public Speaking
CHM 2045
General Chemistry 1
and General Chemistry 1 Laboratory (Critical Tracking; State Core Gen Ed Biological and Physical Sciences)
ECO 2013 Principles of Macroeconomics (Critical Tracking; State Core Gen Ed Social and Behavioral Sciences) 4
Semester Four
STA 2023 Introduction to Statistics 1 (Gen Ed Mathematics) 3
Elective; Writing Requirement: 6,000 words 3
Electives 8
Semester Five
HOS 4918 Capstone Planning in Horticultural Sciences 1
ORH 3513C
Environmental Plant Identification and Use
or Local Flora of North Florida
PLS 3004C Principles of Plant Science (Critical Tracking; Gen Ed Biological and Physical Sciences) 3
SWS 3022
Introduction to Soils in the Environment
and Introduction to Soils in the Environment Laboratory (Gen Ed Biological and Physical Sciences)
Approved elective in Natural Systems and Agroecosystems 3
Semester Six
Select one: 3
Physiology and Ecology of Crops (Critical Tracking)
Horticultural Physiology (Critical Tracking)
HOS 3430C
Nutrition of Horticultural Crops
or Nutritional Management of Nursery Crops
PLS 3223
Plant Propagation
and Plant Propagation Laboratory (Critical Tracking)
Approved elective in Plant Production Systems 3
Elective; Writing Requirement: 6,000 words 3
Summer After Semester Six
PLS 4941 Practical Work Experience (or High Impact Practice) 3
Electives; available for certificate or minor coursework 4
Semester Seven
AGR 3303 Genetics 3
BCH 3023 Elementary Organic and Biological Chemistry 3
Approved elective in Laboratory Skills and Information Skills 3
Approved elective in Plant Pests and Diseases 3
Elective; available for certificate or minor coursework 3
Semester Eight
PLS 4950 Plant Science Capstone (Critical Tracking) 3
Approved elective in Laboratory Skills and Information Skills 3
Approved elective in Plant Pests and Diseases 3
Approved elective in Plant Production Systems 3
Elective; available for certificate or minor coursework 3
 Total Credits120

The Plant Science major is intentionally flexible to allow students to tailor their degree to their interests within the field. Students must consult with their advisor for assistance in selecting from the listed electives, in order to take appropriate courses to meet the student’s curiosity and career aspirations. Other options may include study abroad courses.

Select courses from each focus area as indicated.

Natural Systems and Agroecosystems

Minimum 3 credits, all must be unique

AGR 4212Alternative Cropping Systems3
ALS 3153Agricultural Ecology3
EVR 3323Introduction to Ecosystem Restoration4
HOS 3281COrganic and Sustainable Crop Production3

Plant Production Systems

Minimum 6 credits, all must be unique

AGR 4212Alternative Cropping Systems3
AGR 4214CApplied Field Crop Production3
AGR 4231CForage Science and Range Management4
ALS 4210Controlled Environment Plant Production3
FRC 3212Introduction to Citrus Culture and Production3
FRC 3252Tropical and Subtropical Fruits2
FRC 3274Tree and Small Fruit Production3
FRC 3802Viticulture for Table Grapes and Wine2
HOS 3020CPrinciples of Horticultural Crop Production4
HOS 3222CGreenhouse and Protected Agriculture3
HOS 3281COrganic and Sustainable Crop Production3
HOS 3513CBreeding and Production of Medicinal Plants and Herbs2
HOS 4283CAdvanced Organic and Sustainable Crop Production3
HOS 4332CPrinciples of Postharvest Horticulture3
ORH 3222CTurfgrass Culture4
ORH 3253CIntroductory Nursery Management4
ORH 3815CFlorida Native Landscaping3
ORH 4223Golf and Sports Turf Management2
ORH 4236COrnamental Landscape Management3
ORH 4242CArboriculture4
ORH 4264Greenhouse and Nursery Crop Culture3
ORH 4280Orchidology3
ORH 4804
Annual and Perennial Gardening
and Annual and Perennial Gardening Laboratory
ORH 4848Landscape Plant Establishment2
PLS 3421CHydroponic Systems3
VEC 3221CVegetable Production4

Plant Pests and Diseases

Minimum 6 credits

ENY 3005
Principles of Entomology
and Principles of Entomology Laboratory
ENY 3510CTurf and Ornamental Entomology3
IPM 3022Fundamentals of Pest Management3
IPM 4114Insect Pest and Vector Management3
NEM 3002Principles of Nematology3
PLP 3002CFundamentals of Plant Pathology4
PLP 3230Survey of Plant Pathogens3
PLP 4104Applied Plant Disease Management3
PLS 4601CPrinciples of Weed Science3
PLS 4613Aquatic Weed Control3
PLS 4630Organic Weed Management3
PMA 4570CField Techniques in IPM2

Lab Skills and Information Skills

Minimum 6 credits 

ALS 3200CAI in Agricultural and Life Sciences3
AOM 4434Precision Agriculture3
BOT 3503LPhysiology and Molecular Biology of Plants Laboratory2
BSC 4434CIntroduction to Bioinformatics3
ENY 2890CInsect Research CURE3
ENY 4823Molecular Biology of Insects and Nematodes3
HOS 4313CLaboratory Methods in Plant Molecular Biology2
PLP 3002CFundamentals of Plant Pathology4
PLP 4222CIntroduction to Plant Virology3
PLP 4242CIntroduction to Plant Bacteriology3
PLP 4260CIntroduction to Plant Pathogenic Fungi3
PLS 4105Genome Editing and Plant Biotechnology3
PLS 4242CMicropropagation of Horticultural Crops4
SWS 4720CGIS in Soil and Water Science3

The Plant Science major, offered jointly by the departments of Agronomy and Plant Pathology, enables students to apply principles associated with production and improvement of agronomic crops. Students will acquire knowledge about the scientific fundamentals of plant growth of field and forage crops. They will acquire knowledge about fungi, bacteria, and viruses, as well as environmental factors that cause plant disease. This program prepares students to work in the lab and field settings and to develop applied skills for research and extension.

Before Graduating Students Must

  • Complete a research paper and an oral presentation with satisfactory faculty evaluation.
  • Achieve minimum grades of C in AEC 3030C and AEC 3033C. These courses are graded using rubrics developed by a faculty team.
  • Complete requirements for the baccalaureate degree, as determined by faculty.

Students in the Major Will Learn to

Student Learning Outcomes | SLOs


  1. Describe plant growth and development in terms of plant morphology and physiology and evaluate the abiotic and biotic factors that affect plant growth and management.
  2. Recommend practices that growers and managers can implement to address the abiotic and biotic components of their cropping system.

Critical Thinking

  1. Analyze and apply science-based data to solve problems in plant production, distribution and/or utilization.
  2. Design and evaluate a project that addresses a problem or challenge related to their area of interest.


  1. Create, interpret and analyze written text and multimedia presentations.
  2. Communicate effectively through oral and multimedia presentations.

Curriculum Map

I = Introduced; R = Reinforced; A = Assessed

Courses SLO 1 SLO 2 SLO 3 SLO 4 SLO 5 SLO 6
AEC 3030C I, R, A
AEC 3033C I, R, A
PLS 3004C I I I I
PLS 4932 A A A A A A
PLS 4941 R R R R R R

Assessment Types

  • Standardized post-test
  • Capstone and individual projects
  • Final grades