American Indian and Indigenous Studies


The American Indian and Indigenous Studies minor focuses on North, Central, and South America with additional interdisciplinary focus in anthropology, art history, history, literature, and religion.

About this Program

Related Programs

Students must take 18 credits for the minor. Two required courses, for a total of six credits and four elective courses, or twelve credits. The two required courses are exclusive to the minor and cannot count toward the major(s) or other minors. Three of the elective courses must be taken at the University of Florida.

The election of a minor is noted on a student’s transcript, but it is not reflected on the diploma. Students should consult the catalog for important undergraduate information and description of AIIS courses.

Required Courses

ANT 3153North American Archaeology3
REL 2388Indigenous Religions of the Americas3
Approved Electives 112
Total Credits18

Students may select electives with approval of the coordinator.

Approved Electives

History, Art and Art History, Anthropology, Literature
AML 3285Variable Surveys of American Literatures3
ANT 2402Anthropology of Sustainability3
ANT 3162Aztec Civilization3
ANT 3164The Inca and Their Ancestors3
ANT 3241Anthropology of Religion3
ANT 4168Maya Civilization3
ANT 4336The Peoples of Brazil3
ANT 4392Peoples of the Artic3
ANT 4930Special Topics in Anthropology3-5
ANT 4956Overseas Studies in Cultural Anthropology3-9
ARH 3513Art, Culture and Power in Africa3
ARH 3522Contemporary African Art3
ARH 3585The Arts of Oceania3
ARH 3652Ancient Andean Art3
ARH 3653Mesoamerican Art3
ARH 4514Arts of Southern Africa3
LAH 3130Colonial Latin America3
LAS 4935Latin American Area Seminar3
REL 3022Myth and Ritual3
REL 3098Religion Medicine and Healing3
REL 3370Religions of Africa3
REL 3938Special Topics in Religion3
REL 4936Special Topics in Religious Studies3
RLG 5937Topics in Religious Studies (Contemporary Shamanisms)3
RLG 6137Religion in North America (Indigenous Religions of the Americas)3
Environmental Relations and Analysis
ANT 4403Environment and Cultural Behavior3
ANT 4930Special Topics in Anthropology3-5
GEO 3427Plants, Health and Spirituality3
LAS 4935Latin American Area Seminar3
WIS 2552Biodiversity Conservation: Global Perspectives3
WIS 4523Human Dimensions of Natural Resource Conservation3
WIS 3434Tropical Wildlife3
Political Science
POS 4931Special Topics in Political Science3