Sociology of Social Justice and Policy


The SJP minor offers an interdisciplinary framework grounded in Sociology that allows students to examine systemic inequalities of race, gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, class, age, mental and physical ability, geography, and other disparities as they occur across social institutions including health, law, criminal justice, families, employment, the environment, education, and housing.

About this Program

  • College: Liberal Arts and Sciences
  • Credits: 15-16 | Completed with minimum grades of C and no optional S/U | All credits must be at the 3000-level or above

Department Information

The Department of Sociology and Criminology & Law has over 1,000 undergraduate majors and 100 graduate students. The department’s faculty are internationally known for their research in the areas of families, gender, and sexualities; health, aging, and the life course; environmental and resource sociology; race and ethnicity; criminology and criminal justice; and psychology and law.


Criminology Email Sociology Email

352.294.7164 (tel) | 352.392.6568 (fax)

P.O. Box 117330


The sociological lens offers broad theoretical perspectives and rigorous methodologies to analyze how, why, and with what consequence systemic inequalities are produced, maintained, and reproduced locally, nationally, and globally. Students pursuing an SJP minor explore the impact of systemic racism in the criminal justice and legal systems; the consequences of unequal access to health care on physical and mental well-being; the impact of environmental hazards on the health and economic opportunities of vulnerable and marginalized populations; the causes and consequences of disparities in access to equal and quality public education; and the dynamics of structural and organizational impediments to enacting change. The SJP minor introduces students to social justice scholars across the campus community, expanding networking and mentoring opportunities, exposing students to diverse ideas, methods, and theories in the area of social justice, and teaching fundamental skills and competencies for careers related to policymaking, advocacy, and research dedicated to social justice issues.

Students should listen to these interviews on the department’s website from three recent sociology graduates. Their testimonials describe the varied opportunities in the major and the different career and professional paths they and other sociology majors embark on post-graduation.
More Info


  • Students must complete a minimum of 9 credits of coursework exclusive to the minor that cannot count toward their major(s) or other minors.
  • Students must complete at least 5 courses at the 3000-level or higher and each must be at least three credits.
  • A minimum of 9 credits (3 courses) must be from Sociology courses (i.e., courses that begin with the prefix SY), other than SYA4941 Internships in Sociology.
  • With the approval of the Sociology Undergraduate Coordinator, students may petition to have other, relevant classes approved as substitutes within each category of electives within the minor.  Such courses could include department special topics offerings with numbers like 3930 or 4930.
  • No more than three credits of independent study (SYA 4905), research (SYA 4911) or internship (SYA 4941) may count toward the minor.

The SJP minor is not available to Sociology majors.

SYO 4530Social Inequality 13
Category A elective: Social Identities and Social Justice3
Category B electives: Social Institutions and Social Justice; 1 of the 2 must be SY6-7
Category C elective: Methodology, Internship or Research Practicum 1 23
Total Credits15-16

Though SYG 2000 itself is not part of the 15-credit requirement of the SSJP minor, it is a prerequisite for SYO 4530 and for many of the upper-division Sociology electives in which students may be interested in enrolling. Students should plan ahead to ensure they have completed SYG 2000 prior to registering for SYO 4530 and any other relevant SY coursework. Please see or email the Coordinator of the SSJP minor for questions related to this requirement.


3 credits of SYA 4905 or SYA 4911 may apply to this category as approved by the Sociology UGC.


Category A | Social Identities and Social Justice | Select one course

SYD 3700Sociology of Race and Racism in the US3
SYD 4800Sociology of Gender3
SYD 4820Men and Masculinities3
SYD 4701Nationalism and Ethnicity in Europe3
SYO 3534Poverty3
SYP 4060Sociology of Human Sexuality3
SYP 3000Society and the Individual3
SYA 4930Special Study (Theories of Race and Racism )3
SYA 4930Special Study (Environmental Racism)3
SYA 4930Special Study (Empathy, Leadership and Civic Engagement)3
SYA 4930Special Study (People, Places, and Belonging)3

Category B | Social Institutions and Social Justice | Select 2 courses

These can be from within OR across different focus areas; one of the two must be SY.

Focus on: Law, Politics & Social Control

SYD 3395Sociology of Globalization3
SYO 4300Political Sociology3
SYO 4200Sociology of Religion3
SYP 3510Deviance3
SYP 4520Criminology3
SYA 4930Special Study (Race, Ethnicity and Social Control)3
SYA 4930Special Study (International Migration)3
SYA 4930Special Study (Environmental Change and Justice)3
SYA 4930Special Study (Conservation Criminology)3
SYA 4930Special Study (Social Movements)3
SYA 4930Special Study (Social Movements and the Internet)3
SYA 4930Special Study3
or CCJ 4934 Contemporary Issues in Criminal Justice
CJE 3114Introduction to Law Enforcement3
CCJ 3024Advanced Principles of Criminal Justice3
CJC 4010Introduction to Corrections3
CJJ 4010Juvenile Justice3
CJL 3038Law and Society3
CJL 4050Juvenile Law3
CJL 4110Criminal Law3
CJL 4410Criminal Procedure3
CJL 4037Psychology and Law3
CCJ 4934Contemporary Issues in Criminal Justice3
ANT 4273Anthropology of Law3
AEB 4282International Humanitarian Assistance3
ECP 4451Law and Economics4
EEX 4520Disabilities: Legal Aspects and Policies3
EUS 3220Secret Police under Communism3
ANT 4006Human Rights and Culture3
WOH 3205History of Human Rights3
AMH 4319Crime and Punishment in American History3
CPO 3700Comparative Law and Courts3
AMH 4316Violence and Social Conflict in American History3
AMH 3273America in the Sixties3
AMH 3223The Gilded Age3
AMH 3582African American and Latino Histories3
AMH 3674American Slavery and Abolition3
AMH 4403The South Since 18603
AMH 4571American Civil War and Reconstruction3
AMH 4575Civil Rights Movements3
PHM 3202Political Philosophy3
POS 4194Politics beyond the Beltway3
POS 4264Ethics in American Politics3
POS 4463Interest Group Politics3
POS 4624Race, Law and the Constitution3
POS 3606American Civil Liberties3
POS 3173Southern Politics3
POS 4074Latino Politics and Policy3
POS 4077African American Politics and Policy3
POS 4202Asian American Politics3
REL 4382Religion and Politics in Latin America3
REL 4141Religion and Social Change3
REL 4145Gender, Women, Sexuality, and Religion3
AFA 3333Black Power Movement3
AFA 3354Race, Religion, and Rebellion3
AFA 3357Civil Rights and Religion3
AFA 4225Blacks in Florida3
AFA 4352Black Hair Politics3
AFA 4430Black Lives Matter3

Focus on: Families and Communities

SYO 4102American Families3
SYD 3410Urban Sociology3
SYD 3395Sociology of Globalization3
SYD 4808Reproduction and Gender3
SYD 4020Population3
SYD 4021US Population Issues3
SYP 4730Sociology of Aging and Life Course3
SYA 4930Special Study (International Migration)3
SYA 4930Special Study (Violence Across the Life Course)3
SYA 4930Special Study (Intimate Violence)3
HSC 3201Community and Environmental Health3
EEX 4280Disabilities in Community and Employment3
FYC 3401Introduction to Social and Economic Perspectives on the Community3
FYC 4126Urban and Rural America in Transition3
GEO 3611Housing, People, and Places in a Spatially Diverse America3
GEO 4554Regional Development3
GEO 4612Shelter and Care Options for US Elderly3
AMH 3460US Urban History3
ANT 4366Family, Gender and Population in China3
FYC 3521Community Food Systems3

Focus on: Education, Health, and the Workplace

SYD 4020Population3
SYD 4021US Population Issues3
SYD 4808Reproduction and Gender3
SYP 4730Sociology of Aging and Life Course3
SYO 4403Sociol Envnmt Hlth3
SYO 4400Medical Sociology3
SYA 4930Special Study (Equity in Education)3
SYA 4930Special Study (History of Education in the South)3
SYA 4930Special Study (Sociology of Education)3
SYA 4930Special Study (Intimate Violence or CJJ 4681)3
SYA 4930Special Study (Violence Across the Life Course)3
SYA 4930Special Study (Mental Health and Illness)3
SYA 4930Special Study (Race and Sports in America)3
SYO 4540Organizations3
GEO 3452Introduction to Medical Geography3
HSC 4623Minority Health Issues3
FYC 3521Community Food Systems3
HSC 4593HIV/AIDS Education3
HSC 4624Trends in International Health3
EDF 3083International and Comparative Education3
EDF 3604Social Foundations of Education3
EDF 3609Sociological and Historical Foundations of Education3
ECP 3510Economics of Education4
PHM 3600Philosophy of Education3
AMH 3340History of Disability in America3
EEX 4280Disabilities in Community and Employment3
EEX 2000Impact of Disabilities: Home, Community and Workplace3
EEX 3093Exceptional People in School and Society3
ECP 3530Health Care Economics4
GEO 4612Shelter and Care Options for US Elderly3
GEY 4001Issues and Concepts in Gerontology3
PHC 3440Global Public Health3
WST 4704Discrimination and Health3
AMH 3500US Labor History3
SPM 3012Social Issues in Sport3

Category C | Social Policy/Practicum/Methods and Social Justice | Select 3-4 credits 

SYA 4941Internship in Applied Sociology3
SYA 4300Methods of Social Research4
CCJ 3701Research Methods in Criminology4
AFA 3915CMentoring At-Risk Youth3
HSC 4564Health Promotion in Gerontology3
HSC 4233Patient Health Education3
HSC 4574Nutrition Education for Special Populations3
HSC 4713Planning and Evaluating Health Education Programs3
EDH 3410Introduction to Education Policy3
SDS 3430Family and Community Involvement in Education3
EEX 4810Seminar on Disability3
FYC 3115Human Services3
FYC 4301Engaging Communities for Decision Making and Action3
FYC 4212Contemporary Youth Problems and Solutions3
FYC 4408Organizational Leadership for Nonprofits3
FYC 4409Working with Nonprofit Organizations in Community Settings3
FYC 4427Non-Governmental Organizations3
FYC 4622Planning and Evaluating Family, Youth and Community Science Programs3
FYC 4660Family Policy3
FYC 4114Ethical Issues in Family, Youth and Community Sciences3
GIS 4500Population GIS3
GIS 3420CGIS Models for Public Health3
HIS 3610History and Public Policy3
HIS 4944Internship in the Practice of History1-3
AMH 3593Oral History3
POS 3263Policy, Ethics and Public Leadership3
POS 3233Politics and Public Opinion3
POS 4734Research Methods in Political Science3
POS 4750Survey Research3
PUP 3002Current Controversies in Public Policy3
WST 3371Women, Leadership & Diversity in the Global Environment3