Latin | Classics

College of Liberal Arts and Sciences

Not all courses are offered every semester. Refer to the schedule of courses for each term's specific offerings.
More Info

Unless otherwise indicated in the course description, all courses at the University of Florida are taught in English, with the exception of specific foreign language courses.

Department Information

The Department of Classics offers an interdisciplinary Classical Studies major, with specializations in ancient language, classical civilization, and teacher certification that offer students instruction in the history, literature, and culture of the ancient Greeks and Romans. These three specializations require proficiency in Latin or ancient Greek. A fourth specialization in modern Greek offers students instruction in the language, literature, and culture of modern Greece and requires proficiency in modern Greek. The department also offers minors in Classical Studies and Greek Studies.


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LAT 1101 Beginning Latin 2 3 Credits

Grading Scheme: Letter Grade

The second part of the sequence for those with little or no background in Latin.

Prerequisite: LAT 1120 with minimum grade of C or S, or the equivalent.

LAT 1104 Beginning Latin 3 3 Credits

Grading Scheme: Letter Grade

The third part of the sequence for students with little background in high-school Latin.

Prerequisite: LAT 1101 with minimum grade of C or S, or the equivalent.

LAT 1120 Beginning Latin 1 4 Credits

Grading Scheme: Letter Grade

The first of a 3-semester sequence for students with little or no background in Latin. Others enrolling in the course will be required to take it for an S/U grade.

LAT 1130 Accelerated Beginning Latin 1 5 Credits

Grading Scheme: Letter Grade

This course and its sequel, LAT 1131, constitute the basic sequence for development of overall skill in the language. Students are expected students to have little or no background in Latin. Others enrolling in the course will be required to take it for an S/U grade.

LAT 1131 Accelerated Beginning Latin 2 5 Credits

Grading Scheme: Letter Grade

Continuation of the basic sequence for development of overall skill in the language.

Prerequisite: LAT 1130 with minimum grade of C, or S, or the equivalent.

LIT 2000 Introduction to Literature 3 Credits

Grading Scheme: Letter Grade

In this course, students will be assigned readings representative of a broad range of literary genres and cultures. These readings will cover a variety of literary movements and historical eras. The readings will include selections from the Western canon. Written analysis of literary works may be required. Students will be provided with opportunities to practice critical interpretation.

Prerequisite: ENC 1101

Attributes: General Education - Humanities

LNW 2321 Introduction to Vergil 3 Credits

Grading Scheme: Letter Grade

Readings in Vergil's Eclogues, Georgics and/or the Aeneid, with emphasis on introducing Vergilian style, diction poetic techniques and basic genre differences. Review of Latin grammar and syntax. (H)

Prerequisite: LAT 1104 or LAT 1131 or two years of high school Latin.

LNW 2560 Readings in Latin Literature 3 Credits

Grading Scheme: Letter Grade

Examines various aspects of Roman life through readings in Latin literature (with a focus on either special subjects, authors, genres or periods) and a review of Latin grammar.

Prerequisite: LAT 1104 or LAT 1131 or two years of high school Latin or instructor permission.

LNW 2630 Latin Love Poetry 3 Credits

Grading Scheme: Letter Grade

Translation and interpretation of selected poems of Catullus and a thorough review of Latin grammar.

Prerequisite: LAT 1104 or LAT 1131 or two years of high school Latin, or instructor permission.

LNW 3220 The Ancient Novel 3 Credits

Grading Scheme: Letter Grade

Readings from Petronius, Apuleius or the Historia Apollonii Regis Tyri.

Prerequisite: one 2000-level Latin course, advanced placement or equivalent high school study.

LNW 3310 Roman Drama 3 Credits

Grading Scheme: Letter Grade

Translation and analysis of the comedies of Plautus and Terence or the tragedies of Seneca.

Prerequisite: one 2000-level Latin course, advanced placement or equivalent high school study.

LNW 3320 Roman Elegy and Lyric 3 Credits

Grading Scheme: Letter Grade

Selected poems of Catullus, Horace, Tibullus, Propertius or Ovid. (H and N)

Prerequisite: one 2000-level Latin course, advanced placement or equivalent high school study.

Attributes: General Education - Humanities, General Education - International

LNW 3360 Roman Satire 3 Credits

Grading Scheme: Letter Grade

Translation and analysis of the Roman satirists Horace, Persius, Juvenal, or Martial.

Prerequisite: one 2000-level Latin course, advanced placement or equivalent high school study.

LNW 3380 The Roman Historians 3 Credits

Grading Scheme: Letter Grade

Readings in Latin from one of the Roman historians: Sallust, Caesar, Livy, or Tacitus.

Prerequisite: one 2000-level Latin course, advanced placement or equivalent high school study.

LNW 3490 Medieval Latin 3 Credits

Grading Scheme: Letter Grade

Readings from Medieval Latin 350 - 1200 A.D. (H and N)

Prerequisite: one 2000-level Latin course, advanced placement or equivalent high school study.

LNW 3644 Cicero 3 Credits

Grading Scheme: Letter Grade

Essays, speeches and letters of Cicero. (H and N)

Prerequisite: one 2000-level Latin course, advanced placement or equivalent high school study.

Attributes: General Education - Humanities, General Education - International

LNW 3660 Vergil and Roman Epic 3 Credits

Grading Scheme: Letter Grade

Translation and analysis of selections from Vergil's Aeneid in the light of his epic techniques and the spirit of the Augustan Age.

Prerequisite: one 2000-level Latin course, advanced placement or equivalent high school study.

LNW 3930 Studies in Latin Literature 3 Credits

Grading Scheme: Letter Grade

A rotating topics course providing in-depth study of a particular author (e.g., Suetonius), genre (e.g., didactic poetry) or period (e.g., The Silver Age).

Prerequisite: one 2000-level Latin course, advanced placement or equivalent high school study.

LNW 4905 Special Study in Latin 1-4 Credits

Grading Scheme: Letter Grade

Readings, conferences and reports.

Prerequisite: LAT 1104, LAT 1131, LAT 2200 or the equivalent.

LNW 4911 Undergraduate Research in Latin Language and Literature 0-3 Credits

Grading Scheme: Letter Grade

Provides firsthand, supervised research. Projects may involve inquiry, design, investigation, scholarship, discovery, or application.